
Each staked position represented by an spNFT contains the following essential details:

  1. A unique identification number.

  2. A deposit in the form of LP tokens.

  3. The amount of LP tokens deposited.

  4. An Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

  5. Optional lock settings, including duration and start/end times.

  6. Information about multipliers.


Below is a catalog of available interactions accessible to the owner of a staked position:

  1. Deposit

    • Increase the token holdings within the position.

    • Resets the lock duration if the position is currently locked.

  2. Withdraw

    • Retrieve a specified quantity of tokens from the position.

    • If the position is emptied, the spNFT is automatically burned.

    • Unavailable if the position is locked.

  3. Harvest

    • Collect all accrued rewards (YUM and DSP) from the position.

    • Only applicable when yield incentives are allocated to the LP token in the position.

  4. Lock

    • Secure an unlocked position for a designated duration.

  5. Extend

    • If the position is already locked, renew or prolong the lock duration.

  6. Transfer

    • Transfer the position to another address.

  7. Split

    • Divide the position into two, evenly distributing the original amount.

    • If the initial position is locked, the new one will inherit the same lock settings.

  8. Merge

    • Combine multiple positions into one.

    • The resulting position will adopt the longest lock duration and furthest end lock time among all merged positions.


It is possible to specify a lock duration when creating a position, preventing withdrawals from the spNFT until the lock period ends.

Each wrapped DonutSwap LP possesses its unique lock settings, including the maximum lock duration and the corresponding maximum lock multiplier.

Locking a position offers a yield bonus based on this multiplier if the LP of the position is incentivized. It may also be a prerequisite for staking on a Nitro Pool.

The bonus is calculated linearly based on the lock duration and the maximum lock multiplier, proportionally.


Ultimately, each yield-bearing spNFT will feature its unique APY, determined by:

  1. The allocation established by the Master for the wrapped LP.

  2. The lock multiplier.

  3. The YieldBooster multiplier.

Manage spNFT position

Last updated