Stake spNFT into a Nitro
Enabling Nitro Auto-Staking for Liquidity Positions
For setting up Nitro auto-staking when creating a spNFT or V3 AUTO liquidity position, activate it by toggling the ON switch for Nitro auto-staking. A new window will pop up for you to select a Nitro pool.
Staking an spNFT in a Nitro Pool
After setting up an spNFT (V2 or V3 auto mode), navigate to the Positions tab and pick your spNFT.
Find the 'Stake in Nitro' option.
Choose an appropriate Nitro pool and initiate the staking process.
Alternatively, you can initiate staking directly from the Nitro pool dashboard by clicking the 'Deposit' button.
Unstaking from a Nitro Pool
To remove your stake from a Nitro pool, visit the Positions tab, select your spNFT, and click on 'Unstake from Nitro'.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Last updated