Manage spNFT position
The management of spNFTs encompasses a variety of functions accessible via the position management panel. To utilize these features, select your spNFT from the Positions tab.
Here's a breakdown of available functionalities:
Basic Operation
Deposit, withdraw, and harvest:
These are fundamental actions for managing your spNFTs, involving adding to or removing assets from your position and collecting earned rewards.
Lock Adjustments:
Modify lock periods to optimize your position's benefits, with longer locks yielding higher Multiplier bonuses from farming emissions. Lock durations can also be renewed, maintaining or extending the current lock period.
Boosting and Un-Boosting:
Enhance your staked position's yield through the Yield Boost button, an alternative to the yield booster page. Conversely, un-boosting reduces this enhancement.
The transfer feature allows the relocation of spNFT positions to different wallet addresses, transferring ownership of the staked assets.
Position Modification:
Split and merge: Tailor your staked position by dividing it into different ratios or amalgamating multiple positions. When splitting, certain attributes like lock duration adapt to the new configuration, while merged positions adopt the longest lock period from the combined positions.
Liquidity Management:
Enhance your spNFT position by adding the same LP used in its creation. This can be achieved by creating a new position with matching parameters and merging it with your existing one. Withdrawal options enable the reversion of staked positions back to LP tokens or individual assets, either partially or entirely.
Reward Harvesting:
Claim pending rewards from active farming by utilizing the harvesting function.
Each of these features is designed to provide comprehensive control over your spNFTs, enhancing their utility and effectiveness in various DeFi contexts.
Last updated